Global Scientific Business Innovations

Every  organization international cooperation is a means  to grow, innovate and prosper. Navigating this ambition requires insight in the why  and the how. Indeed, what are success formulas in an often unfamiliar foreign context? In addition each organization public or private has its own specific  environment and unique set of skills. So, what is needed to embark on the pathway of international and EU-wide collaboration by extending your ecosystem? Will  investment in time and money deliver value, will it meet the challenges ahead that balances  present performance and future trends in unknown territory?

Global Scientific Business Innovations  brings focus to these challenges from a geopolitical perspective. GSBI specializes in international science & innovation governance and management for enabling realistic outcomes. GSBI addresses a range of these challenges at the intersection of politics, policies and economics, applying  contextual knowledge and expertise  that inhouse is seldom available.

  • Strategy development incorporating geopolitics in strategic plans and processes and forecasting future trends and challenges.
  • Facilitates and empowers capabilities and skills in the quest of connecting groundbreaking cooperation, in building international and EU networks that meet expectations.
  • Mechanisms for establishing connectivity and synergies through:
Science and Education roundtable

Innovation clubhouse

Co-working and training (on hold due to COVID-19)
  • Practical diplomacy workshop for sustainable international, EU and regional relations - (in house)
  • Training “Getting the most out of your international missions” - (in house)
  • Practical diplomacy for women - (in house)

Innovation & Science counseling. (video counseling)
From lock-in to boundary-crossing

Global Scientific Business Innovations facilitates and initiates interconnectivity between international partners by co-creating and co-producing beneficiary outcomes in science and innovation in line with 17  UN  Sustainable Development Goals.




Marjolein van Griethuysen
Marjolein van Griethuysen

Den Haag, Nederland

Directeur | Innovation & Science Counsellor



Associated Partner



Associated Partner

    Beijing ICI
    Beijing ICI

    Beijing, China


    Academie Nieuwezorg
    Academie Nieuwezorg

